Great Road Day

11:00-4:00 pm, September 22, 2018 BVHS’s Northgate Toll House and the Arnold’s Original Lonsdale Bakery will be open for Great Road Day.  BVHS will be 60 years old.  Stop by for a piece of birthday cake. BVHS, 1873 Old Louisquisset Pike, Lincoln, RI  02865. Free event.


Tree Reflection in the Canal

Northgate will have a special exhibit of the photography of Madeleine O. Robinson, Reflections in the Water: Photographs of the Blackstone Valley.   The Blackstone Canal is the subject of many of the photographs. Dr. Robinson, a Cumberland resident, has shown her photographs at the Attleboro Arts Museum and won awards.

2 thoughts on “Great Road Day”

  1. Is there a website that describes the Great Road Day? Are there other spots open on that day besides Northgate Toll House and the Bakery? Thank you.

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