11:00-4:00 pm, September 22, 2018 BVHS’s Northgate Toll House and the Arnold’s Original Lonsdale Bakery will be open for Great Road Day. BVHS will be 60 years old. Stop by for a piece of birthday cake. BVHS, 1873 Old Louisquisset Pike, Lincoln, RI 02865. Free event.
Northgate will have a special exhibit of the photography of Madeleine O. Robinson, Reflections in the Water: Photographs of the Blackstone Valley. The Blackstone Canal is the subject of many of the photographs. Dr. Robinson, a Cumberland resident, has shown her photographs at the Attleboro Arts Museum and won awards.
Is there a website that describes the Great Road Day? Are there other spots open on that day besides Northgate Toll House and the Bakery? Thank you.
Our September Newsletter has most of the press release for Great Road Day and lists the sites: https://www.bvhsri.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/09-18-Newsletter.pdf
There should be information on Hearthside’s website as well.
Thank you