World War II: Collection of Kevin Heskin 2-4 pm, November 13
Northgate, Blackstone Valley Historical Society, 1873 Old Louisquisset Pike
The exhibit is free. All are welcome.
On November 13, Kevin Heskin will take us back to the days of World War II, bringing examples of his extensive collection. Having spent over a decade in search of World War II memorabilia from all over the world, he has uniforms belonging to armies from all major countries, including Spanish, German, Japanese, Italian, and American soldiers. He also has a large collection of weapons: swords, rifles and bayonets, plus gas masks, helmets, map cases, first-aid kits, medals, and many other items from this period.
Join us, and relive the second “war to end all wars” as seen through artifacts from many countries.
All guests are asked to wear masks while enjoying this exhibit.