Valley Breeze article
Blackstone Valley Historical Society T-Shirts
Check out our new windows!
With the assistance of grants from the Champlin Foundations and the 1772 Foundation, the windows of North Gate were restored and repaired. In addition, “invisible” storm windows were installed for greater energy efficiency. The work has just been completed by the Architectural Preservation Group.
New website launch!
Welcome to the new (and hopefully improved) home of the Blackstone Valley Historical Society. We hope you find it informative and entertaining. The site will be evolving as we go – feel free to comment and let us know how we’re doing!
Thanks for taking a look!
Make a Connection
The BVHS receives many inquiries about genealogy, family stories and how to contact others about these subjects. The Society wants to act as a facilitator for people to connect with one another. Post here to ask questions, share a story or a photo. Who knows? You may uncover something special!
Call for Content!
If you have any suggestions for content you’d like to see in either the The Landmark newsletter or on the website, please comment and let us know!
The BVHS belongs to all of us! Share your thoughts!