If you have any suggestions for content you’d like to see in either the The Landmark newsletter or on the website, please comment and let us know!
The BVHS belongs to all of us! Share your thoughts!
If you have any suggestions for content you’d like to see in either the The Landmark newsletter or on the website, please comment and let us know!
Hello BVHS
I would like to suggest that interested volunteers could produce an archive of visual documentation of the environment, to curate and organize the history of the environment in images that show the status of the land and its ecology.
I’d like to also suggest that we could continue to document our landscape and its features with photo and video where it is appropriate- such as- the behavior of our rivers, climate, and how our natural infrastructures interface with the built environment. (On a small but informative scale of digital imagery logged onto a portion of this site.)
History of the ecology and environment is greatly appreciated by all but seldom recorded as visual documents that tell the story of the world that shapes us.
Best wishes to All ! Elaine Smollin