2:00 to 4:00 PM
Sunday, December 3, 2017
North Gate, 1873 Old Louisquisset Pike, Lincoln, RI 02865

You are invited! We wish to thank our members and friends for their support throughout the year. Join us for an afternoon of music and refreshments, and maybe even a visit from a man in a red suit! Bring your family and friends. Bob Ferri, DJ, will be spinning holiday tunes for us! Bring a canned good to be donated to a local food pantry. Free event!
Some Other Historical Holiday Events
Open House and Santa’s Workshop at the Museum of Work and Culture, December 2, 1-5 pm. The Rhode Island Historical Society invites the community to visit the Museum of Work & Culture on Saturday, December 2, 1-5pm for a free annual Holiday Open House, offered as part of Woonsocket’s Main Street Holiday Stroll. Meet the North Pole Postman, whose latest book features the Museum. Visitors are invited to decorate cookies from Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery, and help Santa’s elves build and test toys in their workshop. Children who help the elves will be entered in a raffle to win a toy train set. Visitors may also tour the MoWC, which will be decked in its holiday finest.

Hearthside will be hosting several “Old Fashioned Christmas” Events. See https://www.hearthsidehouse.org/old-fashioned-christmas.