Sunday, January 22, 2017
2:00 P.M.
Blackstone Valley Historical Society
North Gate
1873 Old Louisquisset Pike
Lincoln, RI 02865
Upstairs Hall
Selections from the movie Senetchonet to Manville: A Journey Through Time
Nestled in the northern part of the Town of Lincoln, Rhode Island, Manville is a quiet community that is proud of its working heritage. However, that lifestyle was shaken in 1955 with two terrible disasters that altered its way of life forever.
Join the Blackstone Valley Historical Society as it debuts a tribute to Manville by Roger Gladu, who has been a part of the community for his lifetime. Sections of his video, Part I, will introduce the community, show the working environment in the early 20th century, and the natural disasters that, except for the strong will of the people, could have wiped out Manville forever.
Susan Clarke, Program Manager of the Society, will narrate parts of the video concerning the products made in the factories during those times, interspersed with recorded sections of several persons who did, in fact, work in the major mill. This presentation will be a wonderful introduction to Manville as a quiet, peaceful region that, despite major adversity, still is a proud part of the Blackstone region.
This program is free, but donations are gratefully accepted, and all interested persons are invited to join the organization.
Possible to post the Manville documentary on-line for remote viewers, please?
The Manville documentary does not belong to us, so we cannot publish it online. Please contact Betty and Carlo Mencucci at the Burrillville Historical Society. Perhaps you can buy a copy. Thank you.
If you are anywhere in RI, you can borrow a copy from the Cumberland or Lincoln library, or place it on hold at your own library via inter-library loan in the CLAN system.