2:00 p.m., November 20, 2016
North Gate Toll House
Blackstone Valley Historical Society
C. Morgan Grefe, RI Historical Society, The Three-decker Menace
If you look around your neighborhood, there are probably some of these large, three-story houses; however, elsewhere in the U.S. they are not there. Why is that? When were the first of these large homes built, and why? Are they an offshoot of our manufacturing roots, as necessary housing for workers? And, are they really a “menace” within a neighborhood?
Dr. Morgan Grefe, the Head of the Rhode Island Historical Society, became interested in this form of housing during her Ph.D. studies at Brown University. Her insight as to their history and construction will fascinate all who have lived in, or even just seen rows of, three-deckers in their neighborhoods.
Free and open to the public.
Image courtesy of Wikipedia