Limerock Grange #22 – An Online Exhibit
This exhibit is the first online exhibit of the Blackstone Valley Historical Society and it has been made possible by grants from the Blackstone Valley National Heritage Corridor and the Ida B. Littlefield Memorial Trust. It grew out of the grants to digitally catalog the archives and we hope it will be the first of many.
Lime Rock Grange #22 sold their building to the Blackstone Valley Historical Society in 1971, and relinquished their charter in 1974. Lincoln, which was once dotted with farms, particularly dairy farms, had been gradually transitioning to a suburb, and by the 1970’s, the working farms were almost extinct. Lime Rock Grange #22 was organized on December 28, 1889 and nationally chartered in 1890. It purchased the former Toll House (North Gate) in 1904. It had been an important part of the life of the community for more than eighty years. The following exhibit is a selection from the papers and records given by the Grange to the Blackstone Valley Historical Society.
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